Istvan Deak is a long-time member of the Clean Energy Wire Network (He attended the first Clew study tour in 2015). He is a freelance journalist and an alumnus of the Robert Bosch Foundation‘s ‘Media mediators between nations (2015)‘ and ‘Reporters in the field (2016)‘ programs. From December 2010 till 2015 he was an editor for the foreign desk at Jurnalul National daily newspaper, the most important quality newspaper in Romania at that time. April 2015, he decided to join a new project to develop a multimedia online news platform, called In January 2017, he was elected board member for international cooperation at the South East Europe Media Organisation, a regional network for SouthEast Europe editors and media managers. He is also a member of EIGE (European Institute for Gender Equality) Journalist Network, Reuters Journalists Network, Bosch Alumni Network, European Network for Remembrance and Solidarity (ENRS), Digital Communication Network, and European Journalist Association (EJA). In August 2019, he joined EVZ Media Group, one of the most important media houses in Romania.