21 Feb 2019, 13:43
Rachel Waldholz

Shipping needs “power-to-x” technologies to become climate-friendly - engineering body

Clean Energy Wire

Germany must support “power-to-x” technologies as a key part of the energy transition, says German engineering association VDMA in a press release (in English). The federation called for government policies to create a framework for research and development and make Germany an attractive location for power-to-x businesses. That’s especially key for the shipping industry, the federation says. "What is clear for shipping is that a conversion to purely electric drive will not be successful and that the combustion engine will continue to play an important role in the future," said VDMA's Peter Müller-Baum.

Power-to-x refers to technologies that use renewable electricity to split water molecules and create hydrogen; that hydrogen can then be used to create synthetic fuels to replace fossil fuels.

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