08 Feb 2019, 13:29
Benjamin Wehrmann

Rising demand for heating energy for German government buildings

Rheinische Post

Heating energy consumption in buildings of the German government has been increasing in recent years, rising from 111 kilowatt hours (kWh) per square metre in 2015 to 122.5 kWh in 2017, the Rheinische Post reports.  According the government’s answer to a parliamentary inquiry by the Green Party, heating energy consumption in government buildings is even higher than the national average for office buildings, which stands at roughly 95 kWh per square metre and year. “The heating energy consumption of government buildings mirrors the failed energy policy of this government,” Green politician Julia Verlinden said.

The rising consumption runs counter to government plans to lead by example and increase efficiency in the sector as part of Germany’s energy transition and to make government buildings more energy efficient. A planned commission for reducing Germany’s carbon footprint in the buildings sector will be set up “soon,” the interior ministry told Clean Energy Wire.

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