Buildings commission to be established next year
Tagesspiegel Background
In addition to the already working coal exit and mobility commissions, Germany will get a new buildings commission in 2019, tasked with finding measures to reduce CO2 emissions from building heating, Susanne Ehlerding writes in Tagesspiegel Background. These measures are to become part of the new Climate Action Law that the German government wants to introduce by the summer. The Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community (BMI) and the transport ministry (BMVI) will work together on framework conditions in the coming weeks so that the government can officially launch the commission by the end of January 2019. By 2030, the housing sector has to curb emissions by 70 to 72 million tonnes, according to the government’s Climate Action Plan 2050. This translates into a 66 to 67 percent greenhouse gas reduction compared to 1990 – half of which has been achieved so far, Ehlerding says.