16 Jan 2025, 12:00
Sören Amelang

In brief | 16 January '25

World Economic Forum: These are the biggest risks we face now and in the next 10 years

"Extreme weather events" rank second in the short term of two years and first in the long term of 10 years.

Bloomberg: Swedish steelmaker SSAB exits U.S. green steel funding talks

  • Firm had won award under Biden administration for U.S. plant
  • Exit from talks comes as Trump looks to undo green policies

IEA: A new era for nuclear energy beckons as projects, policies and investments increase

Nuclear power is set to reach a new record in 2025 and can improve energy security as electricity demand accelerates – but costs, project overruns and financing must be addressed.

Bloomberg: French nuclear output hits 2019 high while German wind drops

  • Oil generation increases to fill the gap of lower wind levels
  • Wind generation due to fall below 1 gigawatt over the weekend

H2 View: Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) is backing plans for an 800MW green hydrogen project in northern Germany

The project is expected to initially launch with 400MW of electrolysis capacity before doubling at a “later stage” to produce 80,000 tonnes of green hydrogen per year.

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Sören Amelang

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