21 Nov 2024, 11:00

In brief | 21 November '24

AP: Ford, facing economic headwinds and weak EV sales, to cut 4,000 jobs in Europe

Of the total, 2,900 jobs would be lost in Germany, 800 in Britain and 300 in other European Union countries.

Reuters: Volkswagen enters third round of wage talks as strike action looms

The negotiations are over wages for 120,000 of Volkswagen's roughly 300,000 staff in Germany, employed at six plants governed by a separate collective wage agreement to the rest of the workforce.

Bloomberg: Germany raises gas storage levy amid political standstill

Berlin was trying to pass a law to abolish the levy at cross-border points next year after neighbouring countries said it made shifting away from Russian gas more costly, but those efforts have been complicated by the implosion of Germany’s ruling coalition.

Bloomberg: Group of nations make COP29 pledge on no new unabated coal power

Signatories to the agreement include Canada, the UK and Germany, according to a statement published Wednesday (20 November).

Reuters: Netherlands to hire private firms for North Sea security amid Russian threats

The decision follows reports last year from Dutch military intelligence agency MIVD that Dutch North Sea infrastructure, such as gas pipes and windmills, is the target of Russian sabotage activities.

Euro news: A giant tunnel and vast sponge parks: How Denmark is trying to avoid devastating floods

20 metres below the city’s surface, plans are underway to protect the Danish capital from the flooding that has devastated other parts of Europe.

Euractiv: Commission deal struck, centrist agreement confirmed

The deal clears the way for a final vote on the new Commission by MEPs on 27 November.

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