22 Oct 2024, 11:28

In brief | 22 Oct '24

Reuters: Germany's Scholz working with industry to boost growth

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz promised on Tuesday to work with industry to revive growth in Europe's biggest economy, which he said had been hit harder than others by geopolitical conflicts, inflation and high interest rates.

Bloomberg: Europe’s recurring economic nightmare — a Trump election victory

Central bankers are concerned that Donald Trump will unleash a new trade war if he returns to the White House, making their job much harder.

For background on how the US elections could affect European energy and climate policy, watch CLEW's Press Club.

Reuters: Italy to present state-backed newco to produce nuclear reactors before year-end

Nuclear-fired power plants are prohibited in Italy following referendums in 1987 and 2011 but the government plans to draft rules to allow the use of new nuclear-power technologies and lift the ban.

PIK: Increasing effects of global warming on fire dynamics and public health

Attribution studies: Climate change is increasingly influencing fire behaviour worldwide and intensifying fire smoke, endangering public health from air pollution caused by fires.

BPIE: Prioritising existing buildings for people and climate  

As a policy strategy, sufficiency focuses on optimising the use of existing buildings to create a built environment that is attractive, affordable, and aligned with the actual space and accessibility needs of occupants, all while respecting planetary boundaries.

EEA: Biodiversity-friendly farming practices can help build sustainable, resilient agriculture

Scaling up biodiversity-friendly farming practices can help to build sustainability and resilience in the farming sector, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing.

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Sven Egenter

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