17 Oct 2024, 13:44

In brief | 17 October '24

Financial Times: EU sticks to 2035 deadline for ban on sale of new petrol-driven cars

Remarks prepared for incoming climate commissioner defend controversial measure, the FT says.

PIK: Global water crisis threatens more than half of world food production

Global water cycle is increasingly out of balance, which could result in a global median GDP decline of about 8%, the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research says.

Automotive News Europe: Why EV prices have risen in Europe despite big drop in battery prices

While headlines boast about affordable EVs emerging in markets such as China, a visit to a European showroom tells a different story, reports Automotive News Europe.

Financial Times: EU and British energy groups call for rewrite of post-Brexit trading arrangements

Open letter criticises ‘suboptimal’ mechanism under Trade and Cooperation Agreement amid push for more renewables, reports the FT.

The Times: The UK could turn as cold as Scandinavia. Why aren’t we preparing?

If the vital north Atlantic ocean current AMOC collapses temperatures will plummet over the decades that follow, reports The Times.

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