11 Oct 2024, 10:23

In brief | 11 October '24

WBGU: German govt advisors call for international water strategy with regional platforms

In a climatically and geopolitically heated world, the challenges surrounding water are becoming substantially more acute, said the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU).

Bloomberg: BMW, Mercedes China sales slump as slowing market turns to EVs

-        Protracted downturn hurts spending in biggest auto market

-        Automakers are reeling from China’s shift to EVs, trade spat

Bloomberg: China targets EU cars, brandy in retaliation over EV tariffs

-        The EU said it will challenge the measures at the WTO

-        Shares of European carmakers and brandy companies tumbled

DW: Ryanair slashes German services, complains about taxes, fees

Low-cost airline Ryanair is stopping all flights to three minor German airports and also cutting its operations in Hamburg by more than half. It blames the government in Berlin for high taxes and airport fees.

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