10 Oct 2024, 13:16

In brief | 10 October '24

Nature: Overconfidence in climate overshoot

Global and regional climate change and associated risks after a temporary overshoot of global warming limits are different from a world that avoids it.

Reuters: German economy expected to contract again in 2024, economy minister says

Germany's economy is expected to contract by 0.2 percent in 2024, the economy ministry said, which is likely to make it for the second year running the only member of the Group of Seven major industrial democracies to post shrinking output.

Politico: The EU’s year of doing nothing

The aftermath of the European election and the looming German vote have stopped the bloc from getting much work done.

EEA: Transport in Europe: Some signs of progress but difficult journey ahead to sustainability

The EU transport sector’s transition towards sustainability is made difficult by the increasing transport demand and sluggish growth in sustainable transport modes for moving both people and freight.

Atlantic Council: Without adequate funding, Europe’s climate agenda is toothless – former Polish climate min

The new European Commission faces three key issues at the heart of the clean energy transition, writes Michał Kurtyka.

IEEFA: Europe’s CCS plan could leave taxpayers with €140 billion bill

Most of Europe’s planned carbon capture and storage (CCS) applications are too expensive to work on a commercial basis and are nowhere near ready to be rolled out, says IEEFA.

Bloomberg: Northvolt told $1.5 billion loan guarantee is out of reach

  • Sweden had backed loans tied to scuttled plant expansion
  • Northvolt put unit managing buildout into bankruptcy this week

BBC: Wildlife numbers fall by 73% in 50 years, WWF report finds

The report by NGO WWF found habitat degradation and loss was the biggest threat to wildlife, followed by overexploitation, invasive species, disease, climate change and pollution.

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