10 Sep 2024, 11:44
Julian Wettengel

In brief | 10 September '24

FT: Northvolt to cut jobs and sell off unit to survive EV chill

Swedish battery maker has been grappling with factory problems and slow growth in European EV take-up.

Bloomberg: Europe braces for last of Ukraine’s Russian gas deliveries

  • Talks are heating up with gas flows set to cease in winter
  • Kyiv is keen to shut out Russia from strategic link to Europe

Bloomberg: Draghi’s call for joint EU bonds hits wall of German opposition

  • Call for joint debt issuance meets firm German resistance
  • ‘Don’t lie to yourself,’ former Italian premier tells critics

DW: Can European cities lead on climate action?

Over 100 cities have committed to ambitious climate targets by 2030. From free public transport for youth in Porto to green construction in Warsaw and closing Helsinki's coal plants, here's how they plan to do it.

Euractiv: Michel Barnier could be France’s greenest right-wing prime minister

Although he comes from a place on the political spectrum not typically associated with environmental protection, former European commissioner and incoming French Prime Minister Michel Barnier is known for his progressive environmental stance.

Euractiv: The EU should modernise, not step backwards – opinion

The new European Commission should focus on the future and how to modernise the economy, not walking back on the green agenda, writes Mats Engström, senior policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR).

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