16 Aug 2024, 10:08
Julian Wettengel

In brief | 16 August '24

Eurostat: EU economy greenhouse gas emissions: -4.0% in Q1 2024

In the first quarter of 2024, the EU economy greenhouse gas emissions were estimated at 894 million tonnes of CO2-equivalents (CO2-eq), a 4.0 percent decrease compared with the same quarter of 2023 (931 million tonnes of CO2-eq).

DPA International: LNG terminal operator sues European Commission over aid to rival

The operator of Germany's planned first onshore liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal is suing the European Commission for approving state subsidies for a rival terminal, the Hanseatic Energy Hub (HEH) said.

Recharge: RWE wind and solar earnings soar on better weather and new capacity

German energy giant RWE posted a 20 percent increase in renewables earnings during the first half of 2024, driven by better weather conditions and the commissioning of new capacity, but overall results were dragged down by lower income from flexible generation (hydro, biomass, gas) and trading.

Bloomberg: Battery makers counteract EV slowdown with energy storage boom

As one part of the energy transition temporarily slows, another is speeding up.

Reuters: Europe's savvy new clean energy champion Portugal

In Portugal, the share of electricity generation from fossil fuels is the second lowest among western European countries in the first six months of 2024, as both the new Tamega hydropower facility plus higher precipitation levels have helped steer Portugal's hydro generation higher this year.

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