02 Aug 2024, 11:00

In brief | 2 August '24

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research: Tipping risks from overshooting 1.5 °C can be minimised

Impact can be reduced if the warming is swiftly reversed, meaning emissions reduction in the current decade is crucial for the stability of the Earth systems functions, PIK says.

Yale Environment 360: U.N. emissions data is often out of date, inconsistent, or incomplete

Analysts say unreliable data means that the world is flying blind on climate and we do not know if countries are actually meeting their emissions targets.

E3G: A new era for UK-EU climate and energy cooperation

Climate and energy feature highly among new UK Prime Minister’s priorities for resetting UK-EU relations, think tank says.

Eurostat: 1.5 million new battery-only electric cars in EU in 2023

Figures show a 48.5% increase compared with 2022, as BEVs reach nearly 15% of all new registrations.

MunichRe: Severe thunderstorms and flooding drive natural disaster losses in the first half of 2024

Leading re-insurance company says it is "highly likely that climate change plays a part in this trend."

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