22 Jul 2024, 11:00
Carolina Kyllmann

In brief | 22 July '24

Bloomberg: Allianz sees damages worth tens of millions for German vineyards

Insurer Allianz SE expects to pay German winemakers tens of millions of euros in insurance claims this year after many vineyards lost their entire harvest to heavy frosts.

Euractiv: Confusion on France’s renewable commitments in national energy, climate plan

Experts have expressed confusion with the document, saying it is hard to assess how the 570 TWh target was derived.

Reuters: Renault CEO calls for flexibility in European EV transition timeline

Renault's CEO Luca De Meo expressed doubts over the timeline for transitioning to electric vehicles in Europe, adding the carmaker has to bring down costs if it wants to deliver on its EV goals.

Bloomberg: Heat builds in Paris before Olympics while parts of Greece burn

- Temperatures in coming days could exceed 42°C in Spain, Greece

- Greek firefighters tackled dozens of blazes over the weekend

Climate Home News: Global goal of tripling renewables by 2030 still out of reach, says IRENA

The renewable energy agency calls for more concrete policy action and finance, with Africa especially lagging on clean energy.

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