05 Jul 2024, 11:00
Carolina Kyllmann

In brief | 5 July '24

Bloomberg: Germany to scrutinize Chinese turbine deal for offshore project

-Government to look at impact on security and competition

-Hamburg-based asset manager set to purchase 16 turbines

Electrive: Tesla gets preliminary approval for expansion of Grünheide plant

The state authorities have approved the carmaker's application. The expansion involves construction work on the existing site.

Euractiv: Cross-border rail remains fragmented as EU countries drag their feet on harmonisation

EU governments’ efforts to harmonise rail rules across the EU have been slow and uneven, according to a new report by the EU agency for railways (ERA), resulting in cross-border incompatibilities that are hampering rail use.

BusinessEurope: New report shows that Europe’s energy price gap will worsen without urgent action

A more competitive energy and climate transition is still possible but only if swift action is taken by EU legislators during the next EU cycle.

BASF: BASF and ENGIE signed 7-year Biomethane Purchase Agreement in Europe

Biomethane is used as a substitute for fossil raw materials in chemical production at BASF’s Ludwigshafen and Antwerp sites.

Carbon Pulse: EU ETS could amass 1.7 bln surplus allowances by 2030 unless hydrogen production rises –analyst

The EU ETS could end its current phase in 2030 with a total surplus of 1.7 billion allowances, including 900 million permits in various reserves, but progress in reaching targets for green hydrogen could alter this outlook, according to a new report.

Science: Giant international fusion project is in big trouble

ITER operations delayed to 2034, with energy-producing reactions expected 5 years late.

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