26 Jun 2024, 13:55
Jack McGovan

German firms increase revenue from environmental goods and services by 17%

Companies in the German manufacturing and service sectors generated 107.5 billion euros in revenue from output that protected the environment in 2022, a 16.9 percent increase from the previous year, according to the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis). The largest share of revenue came from measures to increase energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies. For example, sales of 12 billion euros were generated with the thermal insulation of buildings, and 11 billion from services and goods with relation to onshore wind power. Other areas where profits were generated were in air pollution control and wastewater management. Alongside larger revenues, the number of “green jobs” increased by 10.3 percent. "Green jobs" are defined as in which produced goods and provided services primarily are used for environmental protection. Almost 66 percent of the 376,000 people employed in green jobs were in the manufacturing sector, followed by around 20 percent in the construction sector, and 13 percent in the service industry.

Nearly a third of German companies offer climate protection products and services. In most businesses, however, sustainability issues have slid down the priority list for German managers, with a lack of skilled workers also impacting the transition towards sustainability. In the aftermath of the EU elections, a broad civil society alliance called for a European Green and Social Deal which would offer green jobs in a way that is socially just.

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