16 May 2024, 13:26
Julian Wettengel

Germany must invest €110 bln in expanding electricity local distribution grids by 2033 – agency


Germany's electricity grid operators expect the expansion of the country’s distribution network to require around 110 billion euros of investments over the next ten years, the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) told news agency dpa. Parts of the cost to install new power lines will be paid by electricity consumers through the so-called grid fees. Between 2034 and 2045, the grid operators estimate that further expansion would cost around 90 billion euros. Additional investments would be needed for replacing existing power lines. These amount to 10 billion euros by 2033 and a further 20 billion euros by 2045, the agency said.

A modernised and more capable power grid is essential for Germany's energy transition but expansion has been lagging behind schedule for years. The country's 866 distribution grid operators currently dispose over almost two million kilometres of power lines to locally allocate electricity to consumers. For the expansion of the country's long-distance electricity transmission grid – the cross-country highway system to transport electricity for example from the windy north to consumption centres in the south and west – the network agency says another 320 billion euros are necessary by 2045, dpa writes.

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