15 Jul 2022, 13:37
Julian Wettengel

German e-car registrations up 26 percent in first half of 2022

Clean Energy Wire

A quarter more electric cars were registered in Germany in the first half of 2022 than in the same period last year, according to the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA). That brought the share of fully electric cars to 13.5 percent of all new registrations in that period. Overall, registration of cars with alternative drives – battery electric vehicles, hybrids, plug-in hybrids, hydrogen fuel cell and gas cars – rose 14.2 percent to almost half of all new cars (44.3 percent). German brands achieved an overall share of 50.6 percent of new passenger car registrations with electric drive in the reporting period.

Germany aims to have 15 million e-cars on its roads by 2030. The government coalition agreement mentions the 15 million target twice, but the exact definition of what constitutes an electric car remained unclear. At one point the treaty refers to "electric" cars, which could include hybrid vehicles, and to "fully electric" cars at another, which would rule out the hybrids. In June 2022 EU member states approved the end of registering new fossil fuelled passenger cars in 2035.

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