14 Jun 2022, 12:11
Kerstine Appunn

Germany launches "transformation alliance" with businesses, researchers and civil society

Clean Energy Wire

The German government has set up a new “Transformation Alliance” between the chancellery, several ministries and representatives from businesses and trade unions, research entities and civil society. The alliance will focus on the major transformational issues of the day, such as climate neutrality and resource efficiency, digitalisation, state resilience and how to shape a society that is open to innovation, the chancellery said. At the inaugural meeting, participants will focus on a climate neutral industry and the transformation of energy supply in Germany, chancellor Olaf Scholz said ahead of the event in Berlin. “We want this country to have a good future, where it is globally competitive and becomes climate neutral at the same time,” Scholz said.

Setting up the alliance, which will hold regular high-level talks under the leadership of the chancellor and with the climate, economy, environment, transport and research ministers, was a promise made by the new government in its 2021 coalition agreement. The alliance members will meet throughout the whole legislative period.

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