News Digest Item
04 Jan 2017

“Electricity costs: Growing disparities between federal states”


Regional differences in grid fees increased the power price disparities between German federal states in 2016, according to comparison website Verivox. “[The Energiewende] not only has a direct impact on the power bill through the rising Renewable Energy Act (EEG) surcharge, but also through higher grid fees,” said Jan Lengerke, a member of the management at Verivox. Measures by grid operators to ensure the stability of a power grid coping with more volatile renewable power were growing more frequent, albeit with large regional differences. Consumers in rural areas with strong renewable development currently pay higher fees. This is the case mostly in eastern German states.

Read the press release in German here.

For more information on the Energiewende’s transmission infrastructure, read the CLEW dossier The energy transition and Germany’s power grid.

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