German citizens willing to invest in solar PV or wind power
About one in two Germans would consider investing in community renewable energy projects, a representative survey of 1,990 participants by Swiss University of St. Gallen found. While solar PV and wind power projects are the preferred types, investment volumes vary: 19 percent of participants willing to invest could imagine devoting 10,000 euros, 29 percent would spend as much as 5,000 euros and about a third would invest up to 1,000 euros. “As concerns the project location, survey participants indicate a slight preference for projects in their own neighbourhood compared to nation-wide projects. This may indicate that citizen participation can invert the much discussed "Not in my backyard" (NIMBY) theory to its opposite: "Please in my backyard" (PIMBY),” University of St. Gallen writes in a press release.
Read the press release in English here.
Also take a look at the CLEW factsheet Polls reveal citizens' support for Energiewende.