01 Sep 2023, 12:02
Milou Dirkx

Transport transition won't cost municipalities extra money if they do it right – report

Clean Energy Wire

Municipalities will face no additional financial burden if they align necessary investments to maintain and expand rail networks and roads in Germany with the move to a sustainable transport system, the German Institute of Urban Affairs (Difu) said in a report. A total of about 372 billion euros will be needed until 2030 to keep the system running, and an additional 39 to 63 billion euros is needed for key elements of the transport transition, such as expanding public transport, setting up sharing offers and electrification, said Difu. However, municipalities could save between 21 and 63 billion euros as less roads and parking spaces would be needed in the future. Additional expenses and savings could therefore balance each other out, said Difu. Municipalities, therefore, have to make the right choices to ensure a well-functioning transport infrastructure and that they reach emissions reductions.

The transport sector is considered the “problem child” of Germany’s emissions reduction policy as emissions have remained largely unchanged since 1990. The sector missed its 2022 climate target. However, the report says that Germany can meet its 2030 greenhouse gas reduction targets for transport even if it does not use all possible emission reduction measures.

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