12 Dec 2019, 13:36
Rose-Anne Clermont

Task force presents ten theses on the future of mobility

Clean Energy Wire

The National Platform Future of Mobility (NPM) - an advisory task force set up by the German coalition government in 2018 to create strategies for affordable and sustainable mobility - presented its first progress report to federal minister Andreas Scheuer (CSU) and the federal government. The report provides a comprehensive picture of the NPM’s work to date and presents 10 core theses on the future of mobility. Among others, recommendations on increasing competitiveness despite structural changes, remaining focused on industry and employment, and being open to innovation are included in the report. "We know that we have a very big wheel to spin. It's not just a matter of showing how we'll be able to travel in the future, rather we must look at which overarching developments will have an impact on the entire mobility system and how we integrate it. Very important is that we consider the users’ perspective," said Henning Kagermann, chairman of the NPM steering committee.

Germany plans to cut CO2 emissions from the transport sector by around 40 percent by 2030. Yet the task force's track record has been wobbly to date. It struggled to reach a consensus this past March on a binding quota for e-cars, penalties for dirty cars or an autobahn speed limit - the task force's standstill after deliberating for 17 hours was widely considered a major setback. Earlier this year, a working paper drafted by the task force, which suggested setting autobahn speed limits and raising taxes on diesel fuel, was met with public outcry and minister Scheuer warned that such ideas would likely "provoke anger" and "endanger prosperity.”

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