News Digest Item
08 Feb 2017

“RWE expects ‘generous’ dividend”


innogy's CEO Peter Terium expects the renewables spin-off to pay a “generous dividend” to its parent company RWE this year, news agency Reuters reports. "Generous means dividend multiplied by the number of shares. RWE has a lot of shares so what they will get is going to be generous overall," Terium said. This could help RWE put up the roughly 7 billion euros it must find to finance radioactive waste storage, Reuters says. RWE still owns 76.8 percent of innogy’s shares following the split in 2016. Speaking at Germany’s largest energy trade fair, E-World in Essen, Terium said he did not believe RWE would need to sell innogy shares to make the payment. Innogy will publish its 2016 results on 13 March; RWE on 14 March.

Find the Reuters article in English here.

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