Speedy coal exit would affect RWE most
Should the next German government decide on a speedy exit from coal-fired power generation, no company would be affected as much as German utility RWE, Europe’s largest CO₂ emitter, writes Jürgen Flauger in Handelsblatt. RWE is in a better financial situation than last year. “RWE’s situation has improved significantly. […] In the end, we will have a clearly positive net result [in 2017],” said the company’s Chief Financial Officer Markus Krebber. However, a coal exit would worsen the company’s outlook, writes Flauger. “Exiting nuclear power and coal power at the same time brings high risks – for supply security and power prices,” Krebber told Handelsblatt.
Find the article (behind paywall) in German here.
For background, read the CLEW dossier Utilities and the energy transition and the factsheet Germany’s largest utilities at a glance.