News Digest Item
06 Oct 2016

“Gabriel criticised for energy prices”


The prospects of permanently increasing energy prices due to the renewables development have caused a dispute between Germany’s governing coalition partners from the Social Democratic Party (SPD) and the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), writes Tobias Schmidt in Nordwest-Zeitung. Michael Fuchs, vice chairman of the CDU’s parliamentary group in the Bundestag, criticised Social Democratic economy minister Sigmar Gabriel for having done nothing “to stop the excessive expansion of onshore and offshore wind energy”, writes Schmidt. Fuchs said it was “high time energy policy got disengaged from the renewables lobby and that affordability of power supply becomes the top priority”, according to Schmidt.

Read the article in German here.

For more information on the renewables’ effect on power prices read the CLEW-Dossier on German industry and its competitive edge in times of the Energiewende.

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