London’s Grenfell Tower fire speaks distrust of insulation materials
The Grenfell Tower fire that killed at least 79 people in London last summer has led to scepticism of the insulation industry and made it more difficult to achieve the German energy transition goal of greater efficiency in the heating sector, Mechtild Harting writes in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung. German chemical industry heavyweight BASF, which produces polystyrene used to insulate building facades, says sales of the material have fallen significantly since the Grenfell fire. “The material’s image has suffered,” BASF’s Sabine Philipp said, adding that it had not been used in Grenfell Tower. According to BASF, people are more willing to use flammable materials such as wood, despite polystyrene carrying very limited risk, so long as the synthetic insulation material is used in accordance with safety regulations.
See the CLEW dossier The Energiewende and Efficiency for more information.