22 Sep 2021, 13:41
Jessica Bateman

NGO sues BMW and Mercedes over combustion engine phase out

Manager Magazin/ Handelsblatt

An NGO has filed lawsuits to try and force BMW and Mercedes to stop producing internal combustion engines by 2030 at the latest. Environmental organisation Environmental Action Germany (DUH) filed the complaints at regional courts in Munich and Stuttgart, Manager Magazin reports. Mercedes stated in a reply letter to DUH, as reported by Handelsblatt, that it has "long since issued a clear declaration for the lane change to climate neutrality”. BMW stated that it was already "taking comprehensive responsibility”.

DUH and Greenpeace first announced the lawsuits against carmakers earlier this month, as well as plans to sue oil and gas company Wintershall Dea to stop developing new projects by 2026. The organisations base the cases on a recent landmark climate ruling by Germany’s constitutional court, and use a ruling by a Dutch court against oil major Shell as a role model. 

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