Parties’ positions on energy and climate “not incompatible” – dena head
A new Jamaica coalition government of CDU, CSU, FDP and the Greens could “improve the energy transition”, Andreas Kuhlmann, head of the German Energy Agency (dena), told Die Welt in an interview. Kuhlmann said the different demands brought forward by the parties in the election campaign were “not incompatible”. The introduction of a price on CO₂ for example would be an easy and extensive framework for th ecountry's Energiewende policy that could solve the problem of Germany's coal emissions. The next federal government should focus on making Germany’s energy taxes and levies system less complex and put more emphasis on CO₂ reduction.
Read the interview in German here.
For background, read the CLEW factsheet Vote2017: German parties' energy & climate policy positions and What energy & climate stakeholders want from Germany's next government.