Renewables research agency calls for end date for coal and combustion engine
Germany needs an end date for coal-fired power production and for internal combustion engines in cars to make progress in emissions reduction and ensure that its industries do not fall behind others in developing technologies of the future, Michael Nelles of the Renewable Energy Research Association (FVEE) says in an article on website heise online. Society needs clear end dates to better develop and deploy renewable energy sources and electric vehicles. “The rearguard action currently fought by the car industry will only lead to bigger economic problems,” Nelles says, adding that Germany has to invest more in renewable energy research to better connect existing technologies. “If Germany as one of the world’s richest nations doesn’t do it, who else will?” he asks.
Read the article in German here.
See the CLEW interview with scientist Ortwin Renn for background on energy research in Germany.