“Coal commission” must not be led by economy ministry alone – opinion
The importance of Germany’s “coal commission” means it must not be led by the economy ministry alone, Malte Kreutzfeldt writes in a commentary for the Tageszeitung (taz). “It’s a good sign that the new environment minister, Svenja Schulze, isn’t leaving the commission to her economy ministry colleague Peter Altmaier without a fight,” Kreutzfeldt writes. The commission will decide on the most urgent climate and energy policies, “particularly the question of how quickly coal-fired power production can be ended, and what affected regions and companies receive in return.” The economy ministry alone should not be tasked with meeting Germany’s climate targets – sharing responsibility between the ministries could achieve a consensus that includes environmentalists, too, Kreutzfeldt argues.
Read the commentary in German here.
See the CLEW dossier The next German government and the energy transition for more information.