News Digest Item
11 Oct 2018

EU car emissions deal spells end of car industry as we know it – opinion


The ministers’ agreement on EU car CO₂ emissions limits would “mark no less than the end of the car industry as we know it,” writes Markus Fasse in an opinion piece in Handelsblatt, adding that it would basically push combustion engine cars out of the market. “With a further reduction of 35 percent by 2030, the EU is in fact demanding a 2.5-litre car. Every drive developer knows that this can no longer be done with pure combustion engines,” writes Fasse. It is the companies’ own fault they now have to rapidly change track as they chose to build ever bigger cars and failed to invest in new propulsion systems, writes Fasse.

Find the opinion piece (behind paywall) in German here.

For background, read the CLEW dossier The Energiewende and German carmakers.

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