Innogy CEO - new government should create capacity market, electrify transport and heating
After Germany’s parliamentary elections in September, the new government should create a capacity market and push the integration of transport and heating into the power market, according to Innogy CEO Peter Terium. “With this capacity market, we keep power stations on the grid that are urgently needed for a secure power supply in Germany. This is not about new subsidies but a market-based addition to the energy market,” Terium told Osnabrücker Zeitung. He also said taxes and levies on electricity were double those on gas and oil, putting a break on the expansion of renewables in heating and transport, and slowing efforts to reduce CO2 emissions.
Read the interview in German here.
Find background on capacity markets in the CLEW dossier The power market and the energy transition and the factsheet Capacity markets around the world.
For background on the role of energy policy in the election year, read the CLEW dossier Vote2017 – German elections and the Energiewende.