22 Aug 2024, 13:34
Carolina Kyllmann

Half of young German drivers consider buying electric vehicle – survey

Clean Energy Wire

About a third of drivers under the age of 30 in Germany expect to buy an electric vehicle (EV) the next time they change cars, according to a survey by opinion research institute Bilendi. The survey, conducted on behalf of motorist association ADAC, also found that a further 28 percent of drivers aged between 18 and 29 are open to the possibility of buying an EV at some point. In comparison, just over a quarter of drivers aged 50 and over said they would consider purchasing an EV. In general, the majority (60%) of respondents who do not yet own an electric car, but have driven one, said they enjoyed the experience.

A recent survey by AlixPartners showed that 97 percent of China-based respondents said their next vehicle purchase is likely to be an EV, compared to 35 percent in the US and 43 percent in Europe.

Despite the rise in registered electric cars in 2023, Germany's transition to electric vehicles has so far been too sluggish to reach the government's goal of 15 million fully electric cars on the road by 2030. Electrifying the transport sector is key for the energy transition: switching combustion engine cars for electric vehicles should make a significant contribution to reducing emissions from the mobility sector, which have remained stubbornly high for years.

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