"Getting the Energiewende back on track, exiting coal and supporting emissions-free car"
The German Green Party is determined to make climate protection and “ecologic modernisation” a central issue of their election campaign. “Climate and environment policy also are a question of fairness,” the Greens stated in a preliminary draft of the party’s election programme. “Prosperity is also about whether we drink clean water and breathe clean air,” the party’s chairman Cem Özdemir said at the draft’s presentation in Berlin, adding that ecology continued to be the Green’s core competency. The party is focused on “getting the Energiewende back on track, exiting coal and supporting the emissions-free car,” the election programme draft reads. The draft will now be debated within the party and a final version agreed at the federal party conference in June.
Find a press release in German here and the full programme draft in German here.
For background read the CLEW article from November German Greens to make coal exit, fossil car ban an election focus and the CLEW factsheet German elections ahead: The road to the next Energiewende government.
The Clean Energy Wire will publish a factsheet on the Green’s preliminary programme for September’s election later today.