27 Jul 2022, 12:42
Julian Wettengel

Government puts focus on energy-efficient renovation of existing buildings

Clean Energy Wire

The government has decided to adapt support schemes for energy efficiency in buildings and puts the focus on renovating the existing stock. “The vast majority of people live in older houses. Renovating now, replacing windows, throwing out the gas heating - this helps to save costs and goes hand in hand with climate protection,” said economy minister Robert Habeck. “The effect for energy saving and climate protection is around 4.5 times higher with energy-efficient building renovation than with new construction.” While the changes for funding for renovation will start to take effect soon, support for new construction will be reformed in a later step for 2023, said his ministry. It added that the government has allocated 13-14 billion euros annually for energy efficient buildings in the coming years, of which 12-13 billion are meant for renovation of existing buildings.

The reform of building subsidies has become necessary because of the tense situation in energy supply and the high prices resulting from Russia’s war against Ukraine, as well as the worsening of the climate crisis, said the government. “Using less energy is the cheapest and most efficient contribution to more independence and climate protection and helps to save on energy costs,” said Habeck.

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