14 Mar 2023, 13:32
Carolina Kyllmann

Germany's heating transition will be socially just and happen gradually - buildings minister

Zeit Online

Germany’s buildings minister has promised social cushioning, sensible transition periods and technology openness on the path towards the decarbonisation of the heating sector. The law should allow for a solution for every building, Klara Geywitz said at the opening of the ISH trade fair, which focuses on the responsible management of water and energy in buildings, news wesbite Zeit Online reports. In addition to heat pumps, biomass could also play a role in future heating systems, Geywitz said, but warned against unintended consequences of postponing stricter regulations. The Social Democrat (SPD) minister's comments have come at a time when the government coalition – formed by the SPD, the Green Party and the pro-business FDP – edges closer to a compromise in the dispute about a de facto ban on new fossil fuel heating systems from 2024.

In its coalition treaty, the government said that, “as of 2025, all new heating systems have to run on 65 percent renewable energy.” The coalition then pulled the target forward to 2024 in response to the energy crisis, a measure the FDP criticised for disadvantaging owners of fossil heating systems. Over 80 percent of Germany’s heating demand is met with fossil fuels, according to a report by the economy ministry. While the sale of heat pumps is on the rise, gas as boilers continue to dominate Germany's heating market.

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