28 Nov 2018, 16:19
Benjamin Wehrmann

Germany supports pilot project for testing offshore wind farm deconstruction

Stiftung Offshore Wind Energy

Together with international partners, the German economy and energy ministry (BMWi) has initiated a project to study the removal of offshore wind turbines from wind farms at sea, the industry lobby group Offshore Wind Energy Foundation says in a press release. In the next 15 years, several wind farms will have to be deconstructed in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, the group says. “Since experiences with this endeavour are scarce and only three farms have been deconstructed worldwide so far, the industry faces a lot of challenges.” The project that includes Swedish energy company Vattenfall, Dutch grid operator Tennet and others is meant to provide information on technologic requirements, logistics and environmental effects.

Find the press release in German here.

See the CLEW dossier Offshore wind power in Germany for more information.

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