22 May 2023, 13:33
Carolina Kyllmann

German universities attract foreign students with energy transition courses


German universities are attracting foreign students with energy transition subjects, the number of which has grown steadily year on year, newspaper Welt reports. Public and private universities in the country have expanded courses covering climate protection and sustainability in recent years, attracting students from across the world, according to the newspaper. Subjects focusing on environmental protection, renewable energy, energy and environmental management, or waste management are increasingly found in university’s portfolios as young people find climate protection and sustainability important both in their everyday life and career choice, according to the 18th Shell Youth Study. Between 2014 and 2019, German universities showed a trend in adapting and diversifying the subject focus of study programmes to new social developments, the Centre for Higher Education Development reports.

The university RWTH Aachen, for example, converted their raw materials engineering course to sustainable raw materials and energy supply. Additionally, the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE) offers Germany’s only Biosphere Reserves Management masters programme in English, which attracts students from Jordan, various African and South American countries and Europe, according to the university. The institution is also well connected with organic farming, nature and environmental protection associations and organisations, offering students contacts with possible future workplaces. Universities are not only offering green-related courses, but are transforming to climate friendly practices themselves, equipping roofs with solar panels, sourcing renewable energy, and erecting new buildings as so-called passive houses, according to Welt.

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