07 Jun 2021, 13:43
Sören Amelang

German companies use artificial intelligence to save resources and energy

Clean Energy Wire

A rising number of manufacturing companies in Germany use artificial intelligence to optimise product development and production, and see large potential to lower their consumption of energy and resources, according to a study by the VDI Centre for Resource Efficiency, which is closely connected with the VDI Association of German Engineers. "The increased use of artificial intelligence in manufacturing conserves natural resources, saves energy and CO2 emissions," said environment state secretary Jochen Flasbarth. "We must use the opportunities of digital technologies for prosperity and competitiveness, social justice and an intact environment." The VDI study revealed that German companies believe artificial intelligence offers large opportunities for savings, but many firms are still at an early stage in implementing it, said Martin Vogt, head of the VDI Centre. "The reasons lie in particular in the low availability of data due to insufficient digitalisation," he said.

Vogt warned it was important to keep the additional resource consumption of AI applications in mind. "We need AI for more resource efficiency, but we also need resource-conserving AI. Only then can the associated technological innovations make an effective contribution to reducing resource consumption and more climate protection." 

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Sören Amelang

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