14 Jun 2022, 13:07
Edgar Meza

G7 science ministers pledge joint action on climate, ocean-climate-biodiversity nexus

Science ministers of the G7 countries have agreed on a number of measures to promote greater climate change research, CO2 removal and protection of the ocean-climate-biodiversity nexus. A meeting in Frankfurt on 12-14 June covered a broad agenda aimed at fostering progress in scientific research. In addition to underscoring the importance of implementing the Paris Agreement and in order to keep a limit of 1.5 C temperature rise within reach, the ministers agreed to promote interdisciplinary research on sustainable solutions to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss. Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) and the ocean-climate-biodiversity nexus are two important topics that “would particularly benefit from increased international coordination and cooperation”, the ministers said in a communiqué. More research is needed on CDR and storage “in order to counterbalance hard-to-abate residual emissions”, they added.

The science meeting took place ahead of the G7 summit scheduled for 26-28 June in the Bavarian Alps. Clean Energy Wire will host an online discussion on Germany’s energy and climate priorities on 16 June.

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