T20 think tanks want “G17, G18, G19 solution on climate“
The T20 group of international think tanks are hoping for “G17, G18, G19” solution on the disputed issue of climate protection, where “we know that some of us are moving in the wrong direction”, but the rest grew closer together in their push forward, Dirk Messner, Director of the German Development Institute (DIE), said in a press briefing at the sidelines of the summit. In an increasingly interconnected and globalised world, multilateral cooperation such as within the G20 forum was the only way to solve many issues the world faces, Messner as well as Dennis Snower, president of the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, said. Climate change was one of the issues and it “could be resolved very easily if we understood this is a public good and the returns simply needed to be distributed properly”.