30 Jul 2021, 11:35
Jessica Bateman

Funding for energy-efficient buildings so far in 2021 already exceeds 2020 levels

Clean Energy Wire

The German federal government has approved over 2.7 billion euros for energy efficient building renovation support so far in 2021. In a press release, the responsible Federal Office of Exports and Export Control (BAFA) said that it already distributed around 610 million euros from January until June, and is aiming to approve a total of 5 billion euros by the end of the year. "BAFA has already disbursed more funding for energy-efficient refurbishment in the first half of the year than in the whole of 2020," BAFA President Torsten Safarik said in the release. "And this year we have already received over 150,000 applications for federal funding for efficient buildings. This shows: climate action succeeds with targeted funding incentives for citizens."

German homes are one of the biggest hurdles in the country’s path to climate neutrality. Nearly two thirds still heat with fossil fuels, and most also need to be modernised to meet lower energy demand.

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