Protests at Hambach Forest justified but Energiewende demands sacrifices – opinion
The protests against energy company RWE in that Hambach Forest are directed at a coal lobby that wants to show its power and create precedents, even though clearing the forest is now technically not necessary, Rainer Balcerowiak writes in an opinion piece in politics and culture magazine Cicero. “A comprehensive Energiewende [energy transition] without a doubt is necessary, primarily due to ecological and climate concerns,” Balcerowiak says, adding that this will require “determined state action and political courage.” However, he argues that some sacrifices have to be made for progress on the energy transition and that protests against new wind farms, solar parks or hydropower plants cannot be blocked by those advocating a “back to nature” approach.
Read the op-ed in German here.
For background, read today’s article German court stops clearing of Hambach Forest.