“Securing tomorrow’s mobility with the transport transition”
Completing the energy transition and reaching Germany’s climate targets is possible only with a corresponding transport transition (Verkehrswende), according to a policy paper by new think tank Agora Verkehrswende.* The organisation presents “Twelve Theses” describing central fields of action and topics of Germany’s transport transition with the “clear goal of bidding fossils oil and gas farewell by 2050”. Technological progress in e-mobility and digitalisation was not enough to reach greenhouse gas reduction goals, and a regulatory framework for a climate-neutral transport system by 2050 was needed. “The government must set the right course now,” said Christian Hochfeld, director of Agora Verkehrswende, in a press release. The theses include: “The transport transition will succeed with the mobility transition and the energy transition in transport”, “The transport transition secures the economic location Germany” and “The societal benefit of the transport transition will be its driver”.
Find the paper (in German) for download here.
*Like the Clean Energy Wire, Agora Verkehrswende is funded by the Stiftung Mercator and the European Climate Foundation.