Filling levels of German gas holders halve within eight weeks
Strong heating demand caused by low temperatures halved the filling level of German gas holders to 36 percent within eight weeks, reports Andreas Mihm for Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Uniper, the fossil spin-off from utility E.ON, warns a long winter could lead to a “critical supply situation in Germany.” Uniper CEO Klaus Schäfer told the newspaper gas holder operators faced significant economic pressure, because legislation does not sufficiently appreciate their role. But utility association BDEW said there was no need to worry for households. The economics and energy ministry (BMWi) told the newspaper there were no signs of supply disruptions, adding the change in filling levels indicated a fully functioning and liquid market for natural gas.
Read the article in German here.
For background, read the CLEW dossier The Energiewende and its implications for international security and the factsheet Germany’s dependence on imported fossil fuels.