Transmission grid operator to raise grid fees
Transmission grid operator (TSO) TenneT will raise grid fees by 9 percent at the turn of the year, executive board member Urban Keussen told Klaus Stratmann for the Handelsblatt. The rise is due to costs from measures to stabilise the power grid, such as more frequent re-dispatching in the first half of 2017, writes Stratmann. The measures were needed to accomodate fluctuating levels of wind and solar power fed into the grid.
The increase in grid fees shows that while prices for electricity generation from wind and solar PV continue to drop, increased use of renewables entails costs elsewhere, writes Stratmann in a separate opinion piece in the Handelsblatt.
Read the article in German here and the opinion piece in German here (both behind paywall).
For background, read the CLEW news digest article Need for power grid stabilising measures significantly down in 2016 and the CLEW factsheet Re-dispatch costs in the German power grid.