News Digest Item
03 Aug 2017

“Dangerous polarisation”


The German discussion about the energy transition is “marked by polarisation, polemic, and misleading reasoning”, writes former energy industry manager Thomas Unnerstall in a guest commentary in Handelsblatt. One side criticises “exploding costs” and “a gradual de-industrialisation”, others criticise the introduction of auctions for renewables support, and others emphasise climate protection so much that they ignore economic feasibility. This polarisation undermined the societal consensus needed for a project like the Energiewende: “More honesty is needed, more fact-based orientation, more spirit of compromise – on both sides,” writes Unnerstall, who wrote the book “The German Energy Transition - Design, Implementation, Cost and Lessons”.

For background on the German generational project, check out CLEW’s Germany's Energiewende: The Easy Guide.

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