17 Apr 2020, 13:38
Freja Eriksen

Diesel driving bans “off the table” as lockdown shows low effect on German NOx levels – state sec

Focus Online

Despite a reduction in road traffic, nitrogen oxide levels in German city centres remain relatively high, according to a random evaluation of air quality data from the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) carried out by Focus Online over the past ten weeks. As a result, Steffen Bilger, parliamentary state secretary in the transport ministry and member of the conservative CDU, has stated that: "In my view, the subject of diesel driving bans is finally off the table." The UBA, however, pointed out that wind, temperature and precipitation also have an effect on air quality and that it is still too early to assess the effects of the lockdown.

Several German cities introduced partial diesel driving bans after a successful lawsuit by NGO Environmental Action Germany (DUH) that aimed to enforce EU car emission regulations to reduce vehicle exhaust pollution.

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