News Digest Item
26 Jun 2018

Coal state premiers say mining plans run well into 2040s


The premiers of the German coal mining states of Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) have said they still plan coal mining activities to continue well into the 2040s. In a guest article published in the Handelsblatt on the day of the first meeting of Germany’s coal exit commission, Saxony’s Michael Kretschmer and NRW’s Armin Laschet (both CDU) cited studies that suggest that Germany could still reach its climate targets without an “accelerated” exit from coal-fired power production. Kretschmer and Laschet stressed that supply security, low power prices, and clear-cut economic prospects for coal workers and regions after the phase-out were the key factors for the commission to consider. “If all these factors are adequately considered, then there’s a chance that there will be a proposal in the end that can find broad acceptance,” they said.

Find the article in German here (paywall).

For background, read the CLEW article Commission watch – Managing Germany’s coal phase-out and the factsheet Germany’s coal exit commission.

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